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Specializing in Anxiety Treatment, Depression and Couples Therapy

With anxiety the core conflict is wanting a sense of safety but feeling threat of some type the threat is typically expressed in your body (your muscles tighten your heart rate increases the breathing changes). Anxiety is based of being worried about future worries about health, wealth, and lots of other things that has not happened anand its based of our fears . living in constant fear is exhausting in therapy we learn to accept things as they are the concerns about things going wrong that fills minds each day, we can let go of our struggle to control everything we become less easily thrown by lifes daily ups and downs.
With depression the core conflict is a loss of motivation or energy while wanting desperately to feel good but dont have the initiative to place ourselves in a situation that could prompt positive feelings. In depression our thought pattern is based on negative thinking and we feel useless, lonely, unwanted and unworthy. We go fro,  pretense to secretiveness to self destruction. Cultivating mindfulness can help you to let go of past regrets and worriesm about future. We can learn to see our thoughts as mental events that comes and go in the mind like clouds across the sky instead of taking them so seriously. By disengaging the autopilot in our heads we become more aware of ourselves we may be able to recognize at an early stage the times we are most likely to slide into depression and respond to our moods in ways that keeps us from being pulled down further.
couple therapy
Couples Therapy
     Each individual in a couple learns to adopt certain characterological strategies early in childhood that provide ,on the one hand protection for the self, and the other hand, lead to chronic pain, limitation, and disconnection from the self. These strategies are maintained in the present primarily through interactions with intimate partners the same strategies and limitation. The purpose of couple therapy is to assist each person to access and embody more of his or her essential self in intimate interactions and to be freed from the rigidity of the characterological limitations that creates coflicts. Conflicts escalates to the extent that both partners feel unheard, misunderstood, and a lack of sympathy for their point of view. In an effort to make their point, they become more intense and dramatic fueled by frustration they slip in to blame and accusation.Therapy can help to break the pattern of mutual nonlistening and mutual blaming. There are many forms of interventions that help unconscious material come to awareness and promotes self focus and often a relief for the couple. Many couples come to therapy feeling chronically underacknowledged by their partners. Each Couple needs to take in nourishment and be able to provide specific kind of nourishment to each other. 
Trauma is a fact of life . It does not, however, have to become a life sentence. B y definition a traumatic event is overwhelming, it overwhelms our present abilities to cope. Trauma victims might temporary lose their protective instinct, becoming stunned and feeling helpless. A strong therapeutic alliance with a mental health professional that you respect and feel comfortable with can be crucial component of healing.

Contact Me

Yellow Lounge Chair

Rozita Aslemand LMFT

18345 Ventura blv suite 320 Tarzana CA 91356


 520 Sepulveda blv suite 305 Los Angeles 90049



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